To learn more about the specifics behind each project (e.g., background context, potential deliverables), follow this link here.

SLAC NAtional Accelerator Laboratory

Operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Department of Energy, SLAC has a multifaceted mission focused on cutting-edge research in particle physics, accelerator science, and photon science. It houses state-of-the-art facilities and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, contributing to significant advancements in our understanding of the universe and the development of cutting-edge technologies. Beyond its scientific endeavors, SLAC prioritizes interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together experts from diverse fields to tackle complex challenges. This year, our student team will aid SLAC in identifying and capturing concrete opportunities and use cases for application of GenAI in the electricity grid market with a particular focus on grid cybersecurity.


Owne is a newly founded startup with the mission to make residential solar accessible and affordable for all, tackling the existing barriers for renters, apartment dwellers, and low-moderate income households to participate. With Owne, anyone can set up the lightweight solar system on their balcony, fence, wall and simply plug it into a regular home outlet to start saving. Owne empowers anyone to reduce both their bill and carbon footprint at a low entry price, removing the need for complex permitting and installation. This year, the Owne SEC team will assist Owne in advancing its prototype by developing a better racking system through research on the current market and regulations surrounding the product.

BOv labs

Founded in 2017, the mission of BOV Labs (Blockchain of Value Labs) is to open untapped energy resources from car batteries through smart charging and vehicle-to-grid to support mobility in the energy transition. They aim to provide a secure, resilient and scalable platform to integrate electric vehicles (EVs) with local communities prioritizing green charging, and aggregate EVs to create Virtual Power Plants facilitating demand side flexibility. This year’s BOV Labs x SEC team will collaborate closely with the company's founder to pioneer strategies concerning the greater acceleration, optimization, and implementation of their product.

Applications now open!!!

Project Lead Application

Project Member Application

Applications for both are due Sunday, April 7th at 11:59 PM. Applications will also be reviewed on a rolling better, so the earlier you apply the better!